About The Integrated Mother
“The Integrated Mother understands what the true essence of ‘As within, so without’ really means.”

She is the woman who is bravely walking the inner landscape of her soul, meeting herself in all of her darkness and ultimately, in her full expression.
She knows the work is uncomfortable, at times scary and ugly, but the integrated mother knows that through her process, she will uncover and learn many things about herself. In doing so, she will return from her journeys each time a little transformed, a little lighter, a little more integrated.
The Integrated mother recognises that in order to be the ideal parent, heal her relationship with her mother and break the generational cycles of trauma, she must revisit her inner child, the part of her that has been waiting so long to be heard and acknowledged.
Once, too overwhelming, once, numbed and soothed through distraction, the integrated mother now chooses to turn in and listen to what she has to say. She is ready to begin the journey of mothering her inner child, and in doing so, is helping to create a new cycle, a new generation of children that feel heard and held in all of their expressions, their big feelings, with love and compassion. So that these children can know how to mother themselves and be that for their own children.
Do You?
– Often become triggered by your children and end up behaving in a way in which you later regret?
– Recognise that your reactions seem disproportionate to your children’s behaviour but don’t know how to change them?
– Recognise that your children are bringing up painful feelings but don’t know how to access the source of them?
– Feel inspired to be the best version of yourself in motherhood but often feel like a failure?
– Feel curious about your reactions and want support in understanding them?
– Feel like you want to be a different parent to your children than your parents were to you, yet sometimes finding yourself behaving exactly the same as they did?
– Feel like you have lost your identity?
– Experience constant feelings of powerlessness, rage and guilt toward your children?
– Feel overwhelmed by the motherload that is motherhood?
– Feel trapped, exhausted and disempowered as a mother?
– Experience the feeling in this society that as a mother, you are ‘dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t’?
– Feel lonely and isolated and miss the village of mothers raising your children together that you know used to exist?
– Have a knowing that there must be more to this motherhood reality than the one you are currently in, but don’t know how to access it?
– Feel the heavy weight and responsibility of motherhood and just want a safe space to express the burdens without worrying about being judged.

Who is The Integrated Mother For?

- Mothers who desire to be more than their blueprint of what it means to be a mother.
- Women who want to heal their relationship with their own mother.
- Those that want to break the generational trauma
- Anyone who wants to meet their inner child and learn how to mother the part of them that has always yearned for that which they did not receive as a child
- The integrated mother recognises that male or female, we all carry the innate wisdom of the mother energy and the desire to be loved and nurtured by her. Healing and reconnecting with her on any and all levels can create a powerful shift which is noticed not just within ourselves but in our relationships with those we love.